Water Resources

Figure02graphicsHydrogeology is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater through porious media (mainly in aquifers). Our hydrogeologic investigations range from production well design and permitting, well installation supervision, Mechanical Integrity Testing (MIT), aquifer pumping test supervision and analysis and detailed evaluations.  HEA personnel also specialize in Water Use Permitting assistance, collecting and evaluating data in support of these permits as well as providing expert witness testimony when needed in support of these permits.

WellExhibitVariation2What else can we do in the area of hydrogeology and water resources?

  • We can design and permit water supplies.
  • We can collect and analyze data and design your monitoring system.
  • We can conduct statistical analysis if a regulatory agency requires it.
  • We can design wells, help select a drilling contractor,  and then oversee the drilling operations.
  • We can interpret geogpysical logs and lithologic data.
  • And we can put it all together in a professional manner.CB-1W WOLFE WELL DEEP

Water resource, hydrogeology, and environmental consulting