Hydro-Environmental Associates, Inc. conducted a soil and groundwater site assessment and soil remediation of a proposed office and residential complex, located within downtown Clearwater, Florida. The site was a former automotive sales and repair facility. Elevated arsenic concentrations were identified from a specific soil layer underneath a concrete slab that was used for automotive repair and detailing. The horizontal and vertical extent of soil contamination was identified through the results of a series of discreet samples collected from within, around, and below the contamination zone. The contamination zone was carefully defined and delineated during remediation. The contaminated soil was identified as dark-gray fine sand that was used as a fill material underneath the concrete slab. The results of groundwater sampling did not identify leaching of the arsenic into the surficial aquifer underneath the slab.
The contaminated soil was excavated from the site, temporarily stockpiled awaiting transport, and then transported to a soil recycling facility in Mulberry, Florida for proper disposal.